All posts for the month July, 2012

Travel Knitting

It has been almost a month since my last post on my crafty goings-on. Since then I have gone to Finland (click for pictures) and Charlotte, to speak at conferences. I bought yarn in both places, and have done a lot of knitting and spinning while on planes, in airports, and generally in the cities […]

The Tour de Fleece

It has been almost a month since my last post on my crafty goings-on. Since then I have gone to Finland (click for pictures) and Charlotte, to speak at conferences. I bought yarn in both places, and have done a lot of knitting and spinning while on planes, in airports, and generally in the cities […]

Yarn Shopping in Buenos Aires

It has been almost a month since my last post on my crafty goings-on. Since then I have gone to Finland (click for pictures) and Charlotte, to speak at conferences. I bought yarn in both places, and have done a lot of knitting and spinning while on planes, in airports, and generally in the cities […]