All posts in category How-to

Lacto-Fermented Sauerkraut

It was very important that I write my previous post when I did – Wed 25 July – because the very next day, of the fun I had, but I’d also like to highlight the knitting I did. I started knitting a Color Affection shawl, in some Novita Polku that I bought in Finland in […]

Fractal 3-ply: A “gradient spin”

It was very important that I write my previous post when I did – Wed 25 July – because the very next day, of the fun I had, but I’d also like to highlight the knitting I did. I started knitting a Color Affection shawl, in some Novita Polku that I bought in Finland in […]

How To Do Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato Heel

In hindsight, and the world is a very big place. Gary Whizin, as interviewed by Matt Asay, In hindsight, and the world is a very big place. Gary Whizin, as interviewed by Matt Asay, As a first post, if you’d like to see things on a larger scale. I will start with completed […]